What’s New: Traffic Pattern

Posted August 8, 2023

In order to improve on efficiency and safety we’re making some adjustments to our drop-off and dismissal practices.  

For students being dropped off or pick-up we ask that you come heading north on Shoshone St.  We will no longer have parking along a small section of Shoshone in front of the school.

We will reserve our School Bus drop-off and pick-up on Raritan St (going South towards 42nd) only.  

HS students coming on time during Arrival, Dismissal and Lunch will enter at the original entrance to the school, which is marked as door 18.  HS students that are late will come through the main entrance, which is marked as door 1.

MS students coming on time during Arrival and Dismissal will come through Main entrance, which is marked as door 1.