Message from the Principal

Hello All,

My name is Sheldon S. Reynolds and I’m excited about my role as Executive Principal of the Center for Talent Development (CTD) schools.  In addition to running the Denver Montessori-Smedley campus I also run a CTD school at the elementary level at our Greenlee Campus.  

As a Denver native and product of DPS, I’m proud to return to the Smedley campus where I started my teaching career 20 years ago.  Since that time I’ve had the opportunity to start Lakewood Montessori Middle, the first public Montessori middle school in North Carolina.  In 2015, I returned back home to Denver and had the opportunity to start another successful program creating the Talent Development model to restart the Greenlee elementary program.

In the fall of 2022 I took over Denver Montessori Junior/Senior High School (DMJHS)  The start of the 2023 school year marks the shift from the Junior/Senior High, Farm-based program to our new program focused on the collaboration of the CTD’s Talent Development model and Maria Montessori’s work on adolescent development.  I look forward to honoring the past work that has been done here as well as working with all of our community members: students, families, staff and local community members to incorporate our new vision of CTD into the rich history that Smedley has had in the Sunnyside neighborhood.

Check back on our homepage often and follow our various social media links to stay engaged or just enjoy the exciting things taking place at CTD+Denver Montessori. Please feel free to also call  (720) 424-2600 if you have questions. Our front office staff should be able to assist with any questions you might have.

Meet the Denver principal who wants gifted education in every classroom 
